富血小板血浆 (PRP) 是血浆中浓缩血小板的制剂,含有恢复性生长因子。它用于促进胶原蛋白合成和皮肤修复。 PRP 有多种治疗用途,包括治疗痤疮疤痕、手术疤痕、色素沉着、黑眼圈、皮肤凹陷、细纹和皱纹皮肤。它可以根据您的皮肤需求注射到您的皮肤指定深度,也可以通过 Dermapen 纳米微针注射,最终导致 PRP 被您的皮肤吸收。

治疗前一小时,将局部麻醉乳液涂抹在目标区域以减轻疼痛。尽管该手术的副作用极小甚至没有,但 PRP 注射仍可能会导致一些瘀伤。这种情况最终会在几天内消退。

Mesotherapy Injection

“Our treatments are state of the art”

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Avoid using blood thinners like aspirin.
  • Don’t consume alcohol for the last three days.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water the day before your procedure, and at least 12 oz of water the morning of your procedure. For one week before to your procedure, refrain from using products containing cosmetics, retinoid, glycolic acids, or vitamin C.
  • Decreases wrinkles and fine lines
  • Tightens skin
  • Treats dark circles under the eyes
  • Improves acne scars
  • Treats Rosacea
  • Regenerates new cells
  • Improves skin tone, texture, and complexion 
  • Eliminates the signs of aging 






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