它是一种非手术美容解决方案,使用维生素、矿物质、酶和其他化学物质的特殊配方进行注射。 它可用于帮助分解脂肪团、去除妊娠纹,使皮肤恢复活力。
根据用途,我们会为您配制透明质酸、维生素、矿物质和 FDA 批准的药物的特殊配方混合物。 为了到达皮肤的最底层,然后将这种定制混合的营养物质注射或用微针注射到有需求的区域。 我们熟练的工作人员可以通过这种快速、无痛的过程治疗颈部和身体的任何其他部位。 根据营养成分的组合,它可以帮助您获得年轻肌肤,促进胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的形成,分解脂肪细胞,减少脂肪团,消除妊娠纹。
Delivering these beneficial compounds directly to the mid-layer of the skin using mesotherapy technique increases the skin’s creation of collagen and new skin cells, thus leading to younger looking skin.
Since mesotherapy can increase collagen production, it can cause loose skin from stretch marks to tighten again. This eliminates regions where the skin hangs and causes pronounced darkening and lines.
Mesotherapy injections are delivered into the fat layer beneath the skin to address cellulite. This causes the fat cells to break down and contract. It helps improve skin texture by reducing the bumps caused by cellulite accumulation, also known as orange peel skin.
The side effects are minimal and may include redness, swelling and pain in the treated area. These typically disappear in 5-7 days.
It depends on the condition being addressed. A one-time therapy does not have the same impact as several sessions. During the consultation, the doctor will advise about which treatment plan is best for you.
There is virtually no downtime following the treatment. After the session you can resume your daily routine.
Mesotherapy is not advised for the following people:
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