换肤术可减少皮肤表层受损,从而减少皮肤瑕疵,同时恢复其活力,从而保持皮肤健康。 换肤术通常用于治疗下垂肌,它可以平滑和软化皮肤、增加水分、治疗阳光损伤、去除妊娠纹、平衡肤色不均以及改善油性和易长粉刺的皮肤。
如果由专家使用,换肤对皮肤有很多好处。 其中一些好处包括:
It is a peel agent used in many concentrations for different depths, from superficial to medium.
It is indicated for oily skin, acne prone skin, blocked follicles and reduction of wrinkles. It accelerates the removal of dead cells and renews the skin for a visible skin rejuvenation. It is recommended for treating acne prone skin, very oily skin, and blocked follicles.
It was developed for the treatment of acne and cutaneous hyperpigmentation, and it contains properties and exhibits an inhibitory effect to reduce melanin synthesis. It is recommended for treating acne, hyperpigmentation, Rosacea and sensitive skin.
It is suitable for skin aging, fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. It has active ingredients that break down the intracellular links, stimulate collagen production, and skin regeneration. It regulates blemishes, oils, and acne and inhibits the synthesis of melanin while repairing the skin from sun damage. It is suitable for all types and kinds of skin, from the most sensitive ones to the darkest ones. It is recommended for treating fine lines, wrinkles, photo aging and skin brightening.
It is indicated for oily skin, acne-prone, blocked follicles and to reduce fine lines. It is recommended to treat acne prone, blocked follicles, and wrinkles.
It is suitable for treating wrinkles, photo aging, dark spots, acne scars, and removing dead cells from skin surface. It gives the skin a young, smooth and youthful appearance. It is recommended for treating acne scars, deep wrinkles, and photo aging.
Cosmo peel is a chemical peel to treat skin at superficial and medium depth. It has clinically proven efficacy of improving the appearance of wrinkles, and reducing the signs of skin aging as well as minimizing the appearance of hyperpigmentation and dark spots. It is a TCA Peel that consists of different concentrations.
It is a peel that regulates the over production of melanin in the melanocytes and helps to reduce the appearance of new spots. It consists of 2 steps: (1) intensive depigmentation in the clinic performed by one of our experts and then (2) home care treatment.
It has a unique combination of active ingredients of proven efficacy for removing all hyperpigmentation and preventing their reappearance.
High patient’s satisfaction will be shown after the first week of treatment, with a visible long lasting effect.
These melanin-inhibiting peels are suitable for all skin types and recently Dermamelan intimate for depigmenting solutions was launched at our clinic to offer a gynaeco-aesthetic specific solution for intimate area to correct pigment imperfections and improve the quality and appearance of the intimate area.
PRX-T33 也被俗称为生物再生焕肤,可收紧皮肤而不去角质。 它就像三氯乙酸(TCA)换肤的改进版本。
PRX-T33 是一款革命性的非脱皮去角质产品,用于治疗面部疤痕和下垂的皮肤。
PRX-T33 配方中含有三氯乙酸、过氧化氢和曲酸。 作用于表皮层,从表面一直到基底层,深入渗透并引发细胞更新。 在不造成任何表皮损伤的情况下,可以消除增厚的皮肤。 所有皮肤类型都可以使用它。 这是一个无痛的过程, 它可以增加皮肤的光泽和亮度,并且具有立即可察觉的紧致效果和立即补水效果,是一种非侵入性的皮肤紧致治疗,具有立竿见影的效果,无需恢复时间,不会留下瘀伤或发红,因此您可以在夏天恢复正常活动,因为它不具有光敏性。
PRX T33 换肤术可治疗多种皮肤瑕疵,包括:
如果您的皮肤敏感、容易出现唇疱疹或脂溢性皮炎,请勿使用 PRX T33 换肤术。 如果您对乳胶或曲酸过敏,或者如果您怀孕或哺乳,也请避免该治疗。
焕肤按深度可分为浅层、中层、深层3种。 每种类型都有特定的用途和不同程度的优势。
浅层换肤 – 也称为轻度换肤,因为它们对皮肤温和。 它们只能去除表层死皮,让肌肤瞬间提亮,质地更光滑。 它用于减少细纹、皱纹、晒伤、疤痕和老年斑。 它可以与面部护理、脉冲光子嫩肤、或不同类型的激光和微针结合使用。
中度换肤——比浅层换肤产生更显着的效果。 它们能更深入地渗透到皮肤层,可用于治疗痤疮、色素沉着和皱纹。 这些换肤可以刺激胶原蛋白的产生,从而紧致肌肤。
换肤大约需要 20 至 25 分钟。 清洁治疗区域后,根据客户的情况、皮肤类型和天气情况,将果酸均匀地分层涂抹在治疗区域。
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