What is Thread lift and how is it done?

Using threads, drooping skin on the face, neck, and torso may be lifted and tightened using a minimally invasive process. Skin that hangs loosely and appears crepe-like above the knees, in the middle of the belly, and on the upper arms are frequent body issues. We may lift and tighten the skin in these places to provide a natural effect, with the added advantage of collagen stimulation to plump up the skin, by delicately placing long, barbed threads under the skin. According to your particular concerns, we use a variety of threads and different approaches. Body threads are frequently used in conjunction with other procedures including collagen-stimulating injections, radio-frequency-assisted liposuction, and our cutting-edge Cutera Body Contouring Systems.


The soft tissues of the face, neck, or body can be enhanced with thread lifting – a minimally invasive procedure. In order to raise and support the underlying skin tissues throughout the process and obtain a natural-looking contoured outcome, many biocompatible threads are placed beneath the skin and pulled in certain directions.

What are the key advantages of taking thread lift treatment?

  • Less invasive techniques as an alternative to surgery
  • No scars or incisions
  • Provides lift and tone that looks natural.
  • Reduces slack skin on the belly and other regions by stimulating collagen production.
  • Hardly any downtime
  • Rapid process

On which parts of the body do you commonly perform thread lift treatments?

  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs

“Our treatments are state of the art”

Frequently Asked Questions:

After treatment, you may experience some swelling or bruising which can last between 3-5 days. During this time, avoid working out and stay away from sun/heat exposure.


In Dr.Mehri Pourkand Aesthetic Clinic we always give verbal and written instructions to our patients after each treatment along with a contact number to answer our patients’ questions/concerns.

The result after thread lift varies depending on each patient and the type of threads that have been used and also the number of the threads. The average time for the result can be between 9 months to 2 years.

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