What are Anti-Wrinkle injections Indications and Benefits?

For many years, Neuromodulators are used in the cosmetic and aesthetic medicine as one of the main anti-aging treatments. 

After injecting BOTOX® on the forehead, under and around the eyes, it will create a beautiful arch of the eyebrows, opening the eyes and making them appear larger. In addition, it will help to sculpt the face with a smooth lift, define the jaw lines, reduce teeth grinding, correct gummy smile, lift the corner of the lips, and improve the sad mouth or those downward curved mouth’s smile. It also removes the creases and lines on the neck, improves turkey neck, relaxes the chin, and correct the pebble chin look. Nose slimming and reduction of bunny lines are other advantages of BOTOX® treatment. It can remove the fine lines around the lips which are so annoying especially for women, because lipstick settles in these lines and makes them look deeper.

BOTOX® can also be used for skin rejuvenating, effectively closing the pores and giving a glow and lift to the face and neck with Gold stamp procedures, when it is added to growth factors or Mesotherapy.

botox face

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Frequently Asked Questions:

At Dr Mehri Pourkand Aesthetic Clinic, licensed and well-experienced DHA-licensed aesthetic doctors and dermatologists perform all kinds of injections under the regulations of DHA and MOH and UAE laws.

A proper consultation by a specific healthcare provider is done prior to each procedure, with a signed consent form and clear medical/familial and surgical history of the client.

A Cosmetic Anti-Wrinkle treatment makes use of a protein made from Botulinum Toxin that relaxes the muscles and slow down the signs of aging.

Injected in small doses, it can reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and treat some medical conditions.

The effect of Neuromodulator injection can be seen as early as 4 days after injection, but the final result will not be completely visible until 2 weeks after treatment.

Effect lasts between 4 to 6 months depending on the treatment performed and the indications.

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