It is a non-invasive body shaping device approved by the FDA for cellulite removal and fat reduction. It uses radiofrequency, heat, and vacuum to tighten the skin and break fat.

What is a V-Form treatment?

V-Form is a non-invasive procedure that uses radiofrequency energy and vacuum to reduce cellulite and fat as well as to tighten skin on different parts of the body including the face (face contouring).

How does V-Form work?

It targets big fat tissues, increasing the metabolism around these areas to reduce fat cell volume, while the vacuum mechanism increases local blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. The radiofrequency tightens the loose skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production.

Where else can V-Form be applied to?

V-Form can be used on different parts of the body and face including:

  • Stomach
  • Thighs and Upper Arms
  • Jaw line
  • Lips
  • Buttocks
  • Upper Arms
  • Eyelids
  • Double Chin

“Our treatments are state of the art”

Frequently Asked Questions:

V-Form treatments are usually fast due to the large applicator. However, the treatment duration still varies depending on the part being treated.

Typically, sessions can last around 15 to 20 minutes.

The treatment course depends on the target area, the amount of fat localised, and the indication of the treatment.

For face contouring and lower face slimming, around 4-8 sessions are normally required.

For Body Skin tightening or cellulite improvement, 6-12 sessions are typically required.

V-Form delivers safe and effective treatments. Due to the controlled RF energy delivery, the treatment is also pain free. All that you feel is a pleasant heat followed by vacuum massaging in the target area.

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